Release 2025.09

Product Enhancement :

New Alpha Features: Automation & Dataset Schema Editing

We’re introducing two new features to enhance automation and dataset management in Mammoth. These features are currently in alpha and available on request.


Users can now automate manual file uploads into existing datasets. The new schema mapping customization in automation configuration allows users to map multiple incoming columns to a single destination column for greater flexibility.

Dataset Schema Editor:

This feature enables users to edit dataset schemas effortlessly through an intuitive interface, providing better control over schema configurations.

These features are now live as alpha releases. If you’re interested in early access, reach out to us at or via the in-app chat.

Defect Fixes:

Resolved the following issues:

  • Users were unable to perform “save as dataset” action in draft mode.
  • Convert Column Type function in the column menu displaying invalid column types.
  • An empty explore card appeared following the conversion of a column.
  • Discard feature in draft mode not functioning as expected.

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