Release 2023.07


Support for Stored Procedures in Salesforce

Users can now execute stored procedure queries in the query box.

Improved messages in Add Data modal.

Mammoth has enhanced the messaging for the components like My computer, Webhooks, etc under Add Data modal.

Enhanced Explore card performance

Mammoth has significantly improved its performance when opening multiple Explore Cards.

Defect fixes

  • Resolved an error that was appearing in the console due to a Join rule.
  • Added a message to display when there are duplicate column names in the query result for Postgres and Redshift.
  • Fixed an issue where the warning modal was not appearing after editing a query for an existing dataset for third-party connectors.
  • Resolved UI issues in the Third-Party Connector for Data Addition.
  • Stabilized the movement of the navigation bar when scrolling up or down.

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