Release 2023.27


Data Sync Controls:

Data Sync now provides enhanced capabilities for managing data connections and controlling the flow of data between different components. With these improvements, you can:

a)Preview Panel:
  • Gain access to data sync controls.
  • Access a wider range of dataset properties and view information.
  • Access view controls directly from preview panel.
  • Exercise more control over data handling at each step of the pipeline.
  • Utilize the new data-sync toggle option to manage data synchronization.

Improved Data Flow Status:

The workflow status modal has been enhanced to offer a comprehensive overview of active pipelines and data flows. Key features of this update include:

a) Action Required:
  • Pending Data Updates: If an ongoing data flow encounters a task or view with data sync turned off, preventing further progress, the task and view details will be displayed in this section.
  • Pending Pipeline Changes: Any pipelines in draft mode that have pending changes will be highlighted here.
b) Active Pipelines:
  • Running: Providing information on currently running pipelines.
  • Queued: Displaying information on pipelines in the queue.
c)Run updates from workflow status modal:

Now, in addition to viewing pending data updates and pipeline changes, you can directly initiate the execution of these updates from within the workflow status modal itself.

The data out indicator in the data library has been enhanced to display various exports, such as SQL Server, Postgres, and more, alongside other data connections.

Allow downloading CSV at step level :

Mammoth now offers the capability to download CSV files directly from the preview data at different steps within the pipeline, providing greater flexibility and convenience for data analysis and manipulation.

Defect Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where opening multiple views in a dataset sequentially would cause the page to become laggy and unresponsive over time.
  • Fixed the problem causing significant delay and page hang when opening the branchout function panel with a large number of columns.
  • Third Party Modal : Addressed the issue causing the query box to fluctuate inconsistently during the “Retrieve Latest Data” operation.
  • Improved overall performance for larger pipelines, resulting in better performance even with larger datasets.

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