Release 2023.35


Personalized Explore Cards:

Enhancing user personalization, Mammoth now ensures that each user enjoys their unique set of Explore Cards. Unlike before, where all users shared the same cards through the Dataview, this update provides a more customized experience

Defect Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where the active view was not visible on the Dataview page.
  • Fixed an issue where copying large number of columns using the “Copy Multiple Columns” rule took longer than usual.
  • Resolved an issue where continuous loader was displayed on the navigation bar upon view deletion from the View menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Apply Template” feature was not functioning correctly on views.
  • Data Flow Status modal - Resolved an issue where the “Pending Data Updates” section failed to open when the destination data source contained null/undefined rows.
  • Resolved an issue where the Data Editor page would become stuck in an infinite loader state.

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