Release 2023.09


Mammoth now warns if there are duplicate values in the joined key column in the Join rule

Mammoth now warns if there are non-unique values in the key column of the joined View. This is useful when the raw data or blended data is expected to have unique values but due to some flaws in the process, there are duplicated keys resulting in erroneous end results. This warning would help catch such issues early.

Back Button for Data Addition Modals

Data addition modals now have a back button that redirects to the main menu.

Defect fixes

  • Addressed the issue where pipeline rules were being modified unexpectedly when changing the foreign view in join.
  • Resolved the issue where window function sort was becoming undefined upon duplicating the view.
  • Fixed the issue of column names not being generated correctly when changing data settings for CSV files in the file processor.
  • Resolved the issue where Apply template was not working on views.
  • Connectors Modal: Fixed the issue of Text type columns being listed in the unique sequence column dropdown.
  • Connectors Modal: Schedule option was erroneously showing up for connectors where this is not applicable. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed the issue where user with no account would see a loader after sign in.
  • When a Branch Out Task is suspended or deleted, Mammoth deletes the contributed batch in the branched-out Dataset. This is also the behaviour now when a View containing such a Branch Out task is deleted or reset.

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