Release 2023.39


Data Export in .xlsx Format:

Mammoth now offers users the capability to export data in the .xlsx format. This functionality mirrors the “Download as CSV” feature.

Defect Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where renaming a folder that has datasets in a nested folder structure did not reflect in the dataset’s batch source properties.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Publish to DB” functionality was not working in draft mode.
  • Resolved an issue where, upon project deletion or fresh login, the landing page displayed all the datasets and folders from all the projects.
  • Fixed an issue where the feature that allows the opening of the condition popover as a full-size modal was not present in function panel.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to pull data from SFTP inside a folder.
  • Fixed an issue where the Third-party connector - QueryBox fluctuated when the “retrieve latest data” operation was performed.
  • Resolved an issue where toggling data sync from the Data Sync Options menu did not throw a toast notification.
  • Addressed an issue where the Function Panel incorrectly displayed “save to existing” in red, even when saving data into a new column.
  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to copy values from a column using the condition “is NOT one of / does not contain” a Column Value.
  • Fixed an issue where tasks were not showing up in the pipeline.
  • Resolved an issue where the tooltip was missing for the explore card filter summary.
  • Fixed an issue where adding the condition “is not one of” on numeric columns gave an error.
  • Resolved an issue where batches were showing as “None.”
  • Fixed an issue where defects related to spacing and button placement were addressed.
  • Fixed an issue where Publish as report was not showing up in the pipeline when we share the report with ourselves .

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