Release 2023.26

Defect fixes

  • Resolved the issue where the “Move to” UI in the Folder feature had additional space.
  • Fixed an issue where not all assets of a workspace were transferred to the target user.
  • Resolved the issue of element overflowing the viewport on <Data Library?>.
  • Fixed the issue where downloading as CSV would result in downloading the CSV file twice.
  • Resolved the issue where reset on the foreign view in the Join rule did not update the dependent data sources.
  • Fixed the issue where Branch out did not exit the error state when columns were reordered and all columns were correctly mapped.
  • Resolved the issue where the Pipeline remained in an error state even after fixing the rule.
  • Fixed the issue where creating a data source in combine mode and a unique sequence column failed for Snowflake integration.
  • Resolved the issue where email notifications were not sent when branch out or join operations encountered errors.
  • Fixed the issue where the Duplicate entry modal in the Join rule displayed overlapping text when the key column had duplicate values and they were long strings.
  • Resolved the issue where incorrect data was displayed in the Third-party connector modal when quickly changing the table name.
  • Resolved the issue where applying a template or adding a group aggregate rule would result in an empty grid.
  • Fixed the issue where the “Download as CSV” feature did not export only the filtered data when explore card filters were applied.
  • Fixed the issue in “Date difference” rule to ensure that the result of the date difference is always a positive integer when the start date is earlier than the end date.

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