Release 2023.40

Defect Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where reports couldn’t be opened when the user wasn’t subscribed to any project.
  • Fixed the problem of not being able to open existing reports when logging in through the Published Report mail link.
  • Corrected the display of pipelines, which would erroneously remain in a pending state even after submission and execution.
  • Updated the default pop-up behavior for SFTP imports when there are no connections.
  • Resolved the issue where the pipeline task would display an undefined column name when the NTILE function was selected for the Window function.
  • Addressed the issue where leaving the only project a user is part of in a workspace resulted in a blank area.
  • Removed the error toast that appeared when a user logged in and opened a dataview.
  • Resolved the problem where “Settings - App usage” incorrectly displayed a size of 0 bytes.
  • Adjusted the height of the Preview panel to ensure it is not shorter than the Data Source listing on the landing page.
  • Fixed column mapping and dataset name display issues in Combine Data Source modal.
  • Fixed Data Flow Schedule to generate correct and complete dependency graphs in some scenarios.
  • Resolved an issue where clicking on a dataset name from a dataview failed to return the user to the parent folder and the same project.
  • Resolved the problem of data containing persistent stale batches.
  • Fixed the issue where the deletion of a view did not navigate the user to the previously selected view of the same data source.
  • Resolved the issue where newly created projects displayed datasets from other projects.
  • Resolved the problem where switching to a project resulted in a blank landing page.

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