Release 2023.46


Centralized Tracking for Tasks with Data Sync Off:

The global pending area in the navigation bar now has a new tab. Users can now conveniently access a centralized list displaying all tasks where data sync is turned off.

Enhanced Notification System:

The notification tracker now delivers personalized notifications, focusing on individual users and their associated projects and workspaces.

Defect Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where the date difference rule was giving a parameter type invalid error.
  • Fixed the problem where datapull schedules weren’t occurring for some datasets.
  • Addressed the issue where deletion of a third party connection by an admin led to silent query failures for connected project members.
  • Resolved an issue where the “Edit query” option from data library was not disabled/hidden when deleting the identity.
  • Resolved an issue where export task modification was creating new export task.

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