Release 2023.41


Introducing “Current Time” Option for Conditions:

This enhancement brings a new functionality to the conditions module, enabling users to compare conditions with the current system date and time. Additionally, it introduces the ability to capture execution time for each task and metric in the background.

Defect Fixes:

  • Export Google BigQuery - Fixed an issue where pipeline tasks displayed ‘smart combine’ instead of ‘merge’.
  • Enabled the sharing of reports with fellow project members.
  • Resolved the problem with the non-functional link in the “Pipeline error notification” email.
  • Fixed the continuous loader issue that occurred after leaving the last project and creating a new project from the side bar in data library.
  • Added the missing tooltip in the Branchout feature.
  • Corrected the error alert URL issue, where the URL for viewing errors had the incorrect project ID.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""