Release 2024.03


Support for Varied Numeric Separators in Column Type Conversion:

Mammoth now permits diverse numeric separators in column type conversion, accommodating both Indian and US styles. With this update, Mammoth supports conversions in formats such as “x,xx,xxx” and “xx,xx,xxx.

Defect Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue where the Data Flow Status - Queued section was not visible when branching out to a project.
  • Fixed the problem where renamed date columns were represented as text columns instead in the downloaded excel.
  • Addressed the issue where applying the Show Top/Bottom rows rule was ineffective due to the sort being inherited from grid sort.
  • Fixed an issue in View deletion, ensuring that incorrect views are not deleted, and the View menu no longer appears in the left corner when it shouldn’t.
  • Resolved an issue where scheduled pulls were not functioning for third-party connectors.

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