Release 2023.04


Third-party connector PostgreSQL, MSSQL - Allow selection of tables from different schemas

Mammoth now enables the selection of tables with their corresponding schema under the database. It presents a list of available schemas and then lists the tables under each schema, making it easier to navigate and access the desired tables.

Improved positioning of data library line items

Mammoth has made significant improvements to its landing page, including the addition of an informative “Info” section for datasets and a more organized layout for line items.

Defect fixes

  • We have resolved the issue with the random refresh on the Dataview pages.
  • The editing of the lookup rule is displaying an error regarding an invalid column name.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dataset appears frozen on the addition of multiple files.
  • Fixed an issue where Branchout or Crosstab tasks won’t appear in the Pipeline.
  • When a new batch will come in and dataset auto sync is off, The new batch goes into sync pending state.
  • Webhook creation feature was missing from the home page.
  • Lookup task description was not showing up in the pipeline.

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