Mammoth Analytics
Release 2025.08
Product Enhancement :
- Enable keyboard navigation in the grid input box.
- Remove active user indicator in Data Editor page when no other users are active.
- Fix grid illustration size.
- Show task suspended status in pipeline multi-select mode.
- Logout all sessions when a user resets their password.
- Set minimum password length to 12 characters.
- Keep “Next” button enabled in bulk replace under certain conditions.
Defect Fixes:
- Resolved an issue where the delete multiple folder toast notification did not show the number of items queued for deletion.
- Fixed an issue with the Explore card not auto-updating according to pipeline changes.
- Resolved an issue where the page responsive modal appeared when applying filters to the Explore card.
- Fixed an issue with the Explore card not displaying unique value counts for columns with very long names.
- Addressed an issue where the split column rule was not functioning as expected.
- Resolved an issue preventing Publish to DB on a fresh view immediately.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on Data in links for join and lookup did not open the views.
- Resolved an issue where the join rule was not appearing in the pipeline.
- Fixed an issue where inserting 0 into a numeric column resulted in blank values.
- Resolved an issue where clicking on the DS name in the DataView page did not preselect the DS in the data library.
- Addressed an issue where collaboration indicators were missing in the DataView.